syllabus English I

English I

Yerington High School

Teacher: Mrs. Cara Childs

Course: English 1

Location: Room 34


Work phone number: 463-6822


Course Overview:

English 1 is a required course in which you will explore World literature, paragraph and essay writing, on-going vocabulary, research skill and oral presentation. Class participation and class discussion are integral parts of the course.


Goals and Objectives:

            Students will:

  • Read to comprehend, interpret, and evaluate a variety of literature
  • Write using Standard English grammar, usage, punctuation, capitalization and spelling
  • Listen and evaluate oral communication from the instructor and the student’s peers
  • Speak in an organized manner, following the format of the oral presentations
  • Use word analyses skills and strategies to comprehend new words encountered in text
  • Participate in an appropriate manner during class discussions
  • Learn to take a definitive stance on an argument and defend it



Students will be assessed using a standard 10 point scale.

  • A:  100-90
  • B:  89-80
  • C:  79-70
  • D:  69-60
  • F:  59-below


Late assignments will not be accepted unless a hall pass is attached and they are turned in within two days.


What is a late assignment?

Assignment due dates and time will be clearly communicated.  Students are expected to record these in agendas, and turn the work in when it is due. 


Students absent on the day an assignment is due are expected to turn it in when they return.  Students absent when an assignment is given will have two days to make it up for full credit, on the third day it will be considered a late assignment and will not be accepted.


Student Absence:

Students are responsible for make-up work. Work will be posted, but also check for make-up assignments with me.  If you miss a day prior to a test, and were aware that it was scheduled, it will need to be completed at that time.

If you are absent on a test day you will have one week to make-up the test.  A time will need to be scheduled with me (in advance, if possible) as class time will probably not be available.

A substantial portion of the reading, writing, and typing will be done in class, if you miss a day of class, you will need to catch up on this.



Leaving the classroom:

When you leave the room you miss valuable information or work time.  You will be given two passes per quarter.  These will allow for emergencies.  Extra credit will be given in exchange for unused passes at the end of each quarter. Use them wisely!


Classroom Rules:

  • Be on time and in your seat when the bell rings.
  • Be respectful to all people, places, and things at all times.
  • Come prepared with proper materials and attitude.
  • No cell phones or MP3 players.
  • No food or drink.
  • All school and districts rules apply to this classroom.


Cell Phone and MP3 players:

If your cell phone sounds or is used in any way, it will be turned into the office.  Leave them in your locker.  If you are using an MP3 player or wearing headphones (even around your neck) I will turn it into the office.  Keep them off and out of sight.


Cheating and Plagiarism:

Cheating and plagiarism are not tolerated. The assignment is marked (cheated) permanently on the grade report.  Zero credit is given, and a discipline referral is written to the vice principal.  See your agenda for YHS discipline plan.


Required Materials:

  • Students will need to bring writing utensil, highlighters, your notebook, English binder, assigned materials and text books with them every day.


Rewards for following the rules!

Following class rules and giving your best in class will help you to understand material better and will allow for more time to work on assignments during class. Good behavior creates a comfortable classroom environment where all can learn and succeed. When the class runs smoothly and efficiently I will be able to schedule more projects, movies and extracurricular activities that will enhance your learning experience.



I prefer self discipline.  I want you to make the right choices and prevent me from having to discipline at all.  However, failure to follow the rules above will result in one or more of the following: warning, loss of privileges, phone calls home, or referrals to the Assistant Principal.


Thank you. I am looking forward to a great year with you!




Please read, sign, and return this slip to verify that you have received and read a copy of the English syllabus for my class.  Thank you.  Mrs. Childs


Student’s Name (Print) ______________________________.      Class Period: _______________


_____________________________________   _________________________________   ____________

Student’s Signature                                               Parent/Guardian’s Signature                        Date